One-on-One Personal Session

Each session, meticulously designed to cater to your unique goals and needs, is available in convenient half-hour increments. Whether you are new to KAATSU or looking to deepen your practice, our experts are here to provide you with the insight, support, and expertise you need to excel. Book your session today and embark on a transformative KAATSU experience tailored just for you.

Please select a Specialist from the list below.

Mark Kawabe

Mark Kawabe's engagement with KAATSU began through personal experience, utilizing it for recovery from Achilles tendon issues. His background as a lifelong cyclist and martial artist, combined with his role as a Personal Training Specialist, deepened his appreciation and application of KAATSU, transforming his approach to fitness and recovery. Mark's journey led him to become intimately involved with KAATSU, culminating in his crucial role in introducing and distributing KAATSU products in Canada, alongside his wife, to share its benefits widely.

Sandy Nelson

Sandy Nelson combines her expertise as a certified KAATSU Specialist, Quicksilver Scientific Practitioner, and AntiGravity Fitness Trainer to specialize in KAATSU Clinician Support and enhancing strength and stamina across all ages. She emphasizes the importance of starting correctly and tailors realistic, effective protocols for her clients, regardless of age or condition, to meet their goals. Sandy praises KAATSU for its unique ability to quickly and safely elevate "happy hormones" and promote the biochemical "fertilizers" essential for staying strong and sharp as we age.

Robert Heiduk

Robert Heiduk is a notable German sports scientist and KAATSU specialist with a decade-long track record of educating coaches and consulting for prestigious organizations. His commitment to KAATSU led him to Tokyo to learn directly from its inventor, Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, culminating in his authorship of a comprehensive book on KAATSU. Heiduk's expertise benefits a wide audience, including athletes and health professionals, reflecting his dedication to deliver the best results possible. Heiduk's philosophy:Every client is different, only personalized programs provide sustainable success!

Chris Morgan

Chris Morgan, KAATSU Global's Chief Performance Officer, boasts an extensive and impressive career, from organizing significant swimming events to coaching athletes who have excelled on international stages. A dedicated advocate of KAATSU, Chris applies his deep understanding of athletic performance, rehabilitation, and fitness across various demographics, including teaching older adults and consulting with elite athletes. His relentless drive and commitment to KAATSU's principles shine through in his varied roles, demonstrating a profound impact on the field.
